CRank: 5Score: 36470

Your connection that's your problem! DSL sucks! cable or verizon fios!! I don't know if you can get optimum online but it's the best cable connection out there! 5MB upload and 30MB download!!!! that's with the boost package though! Regular package is 2MB upload and 15MB download! $45 a month for regular and $55 for Boost!

5926d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

100% finished!!!!

5926d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll wait til later to download it then. Guys, let me tell ya, it's better to do it early in the morning. But now that schools out, the kids are gonna be home and it's all hell trying to get demos and the like LOL!

UPDATE: I have optimum online with boost with 5MB upload and 30MB download and I'm not having any problems!!! it's been about 2 minutes and I'm at 54%

5926d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

whom ever hasn't bought a hard drive for their 360 "OR" haven't bought a bigger HDD for their 20gb ps3 should blame themselves! Not trying to sound harsh but, size matters LOL!

5927d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

How did sony mess up the video game market? If not for sony and others, there wouldn't be competition and we wouldn't have soooooo many great games! Stop wit all the bashing flame war stories already! Find some new good gaming news about RE 5 and the like, sheesh!

5927d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uh, I have a PS3 and an Xbox 360! Will have a wii as well but can never find one that's not over-priced! I'm a gamer hence the name gamerfiend! Thanks buddy!

5927d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Bubs for you as well.

5928d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Previously, we posted a Kmart ad indicating a price-drop in the Xbox 360 line-up. The ad, purported to hit July 6, shows that the model that comes equipped with a 20GB hard drive, formerly known as the 'Pro' version, will be priced at $299 US. That's a $50 price drop from its current MSRP. A Gamestop employee has tipped us with what looks like further confirmation that the lower priced Xbox 360 is hitting. Pictured is the $299.99 Xbox 360 SKU in the Gamestop inventory screen. While the tipste...

5928d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

This story was posted by a ps3 fanboy who hates xbox 360! it says refurb because gamestop sells used 360's that are in fact refurbs! They have been doing this with all systems for years so this story is lame and is an attempt by a bias fanboy to start a flame war!

5928d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Now all those g@y @ss people who do it cuz they have no skill won't be able to do it any more!

5929d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Have my copy in the next 10 minutes! My bullet proof comics has had it since yesterday!

5946d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hope this is true! I want to finish the getaway. never played god of war either!

5954d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Already own this on HD-DVD for $10! Waited on the fence to see who would win. Then went out and got an XBOX 360 HD-DVD player for only $50. Blu-Ray won because the PS3 has no good games that wasn't on the 360 so people were buying movies instead! I have my PS3 and the only game that I own is Tekken 5 DR download. I have been buying Blu-Ray movies. I also own 53 HD-DVD movies that I only paid about 10-12 bucks for each of them LOL! That's the smart way to do it!

5962d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I downloaded the demo last night and i was not impressed at all! It reminded me of a bootleg version of halo 3! And I don't like halo 3 either! MGS4 is right around the corner so I can wait! I also have my xbox 360 elite to play as well. So it doesn't bother me that there's no games worth playing on my ps3 yet being that I have my 360!

5969d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's only one game!It's not even a killer app! They just don't want to work on the ps3 for whatever reason. This game can be easily done on the ps3 as well as the 360 so I don't see why they don't do it except for the hard coding on the ps3 but with that, it would make them more money and everybody wins as with cod4 and gta4! This game is no reason for ps3 fans to get their underwear all tied up in a bunch!

5984d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have Optimum Online with the BOOST which is 5mbps upload and 30mbps download for $55 US per month!!! Who even needs 30 or 50 mbps download speed?! It's the upload speed that counts for hosting games! Fios is giving 15mbps upload and 15mbps download for $65 US per month! Soon I'll be working for Optimum so I'll pay nothing LOL!

6012d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

On another note, I went out and purchased my PS3 which is a wonderful Blu-Ray player! But I'm sorry to say, that I haven't bought any games for it yet cuz none of the 1st party titles appeal to me. Waiting for MGS4 and Killzone and Tekken 6! EDIT: I didn't know that I had to install everything like a damn pc game either! I downloaded GT demo and wasn't impressed! Am I gonna have to install every game????????? I have a 40gb PS3 by the way. Are they gonna update it so I can play my PS2 games?! ...

6018d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Anyways, I don't like Halo 3 and I own a 360! Halo 3 is TRASH! Bungie should have been shot for just throwing us a bone on their way out! I been traded in my Halo 3 without even finishing it for COD4! Gears 2 is our new Lord and Savior for the XBOX 360!

6018d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The reason why he was told that his account was cancelled is because the 1st credit card used was no longer valid! Maybe the dumb xbox live call center dude didn't explain it in detail! I too had a similar problem with my account!! I had used my mom's credit card when live 1st started then when the card expired, Microsoft would not let me update my credit card info because they couldn't charge the old card. They said that I had to have the bank re-activate the card, then let them charge the c...

6020d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I just recently purchased an xbox 360 HD-DVD player from best buy for $50 US because the dead format has about 400 movies and will upscale my current dvd collection to 1080P for $50 bucks! A DVD Upscaler will cost around $70 US! So why not get the dead format and get HD-DVD`s for 30% off at Best Buy and everywhere else?!

6026d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment